Couple years back, i pieced together a stratocaster, after so long in the LP style camp. & At first, it sported some Dimarzio/Duncan combo which sounded good at the time. But these last years, i've upgraded most of my gear with lower output pickups, & well this strat didn't sound as great as i'd once heard. Too dull, muddy, not as clear as i'd need. Back & forth with Kris, decided on this set with staggered A5 poles, & the difference is sweet! I've never played a true vintage strat with low wind pickups, but i definitely love these - articulate, dynamic, & spanky. I'm a sucker for the N, N + M, M tones, bridge pickup's never been my thing, but this one sounds awesome. I did mount them with the wires pointing towards the neck, kinda pseudo Hendrix pole layout so the A string doesn't have a smuch pull vs the B string, & i find its very balanced with my 11-52 gauge of strings.
Highly Recommend, I'd be curious to test the VS-61 or Red River Rambler sets, but these Blues 54s deliver what you need, in clean, driven, & my own chaotic modulated mess :) Thanks again Kris, proud canadian hooked !