The Blues model 54 Stratocaster set is exactly what you would expect from the name. With the best information I could find, the coils are wound to period very similar specs that SRV had his pickups wound for a couple of his guitars mainly his 54 Strat.
The lower output of these coils provide amazing clarity and clean dynamics. The magnet poles can be ordered flush to suit more modern radius necks or with the SRV preferred stagger for the smaller radius necks of the older versions. Calibrated to work perfectly together to help retain a balanced output when selected together or on their own.
If you are looking to achieve that legendary SRV tone these are the pickups that will help. Please keep in mind that SRV’s tone was not produced by his pickups alone. He played heavy gauge strings as well that also effects how the pickups react and produce a signal. So there is a lot to building a specific tone but great pickups will provide a solid foundation to help you achieve your goals.
Neck output: 5.8k
Middle output: 5.65k
Bridge output: 5.65k
RWRP middle pickup for hum canceling
Wax potted for squeal free operation.